Hyaluronic Acid

What is hyaluronic acid?

Though the word “acid” may sound scary in reference to something you put on your face, don’t worry, it doesn’t burn.

Quite the opposite, in fact, hyaluronic acid for skin packs a ton of skin-boosting benefits, including mega moisture!

It’s become an increasingly popular ingredient in serums and moisturisers for its superpower hydrating and anti-ageing abilities.

What Does Hyaluronic Acid Do?

Hyaluronic acid (HA), or hyaluronan, is a carbohydrate molecule that is naturally occurring in our bodies. That’s right, it’s already in your skin!

HA provides lubrication to the connective tissues of our joints and skin and is an important part of our skin’s overall health.

HA is present in many areas of your body including your eyes, internal fluids, and connective tissue, but much of it is in your skin, which accounts for 50% of your body’s total HA level.

Even though it occurs naturally in our bodies, HA is a super popular skincare ingredient. Don’t worry, the type that’s in skincare isn’t taken from people; it’s replicated in a lab.

Provides Incredible Moisture

Hyaluronic acid’s main power move – and the reason it’s gained so much attention in skincare – is its amazing ability to deliver lasting moisture to the skin.

HA is a humectant, which means it grabs moisture and holds it so skin can absorb it.

The hyaluronic acid molecule can hold up to 1000 times its weight in water!

The HA molecule is too large to penetrate the top layer of skin. So, it sets up shop on your skin’s surface and gets to work grabbing and holding moisture so your skin can absorb it and stay healthy and hydrated.

Anti-Aging Benefits

As we age, our skin doesn’t maintain moisture as well as it used to. Babies are born with lots of hyaluronic acid in their skin, which is why it’s so soft!

When our skin loses its suppleness, it starts to sag and fine lines and wrinkles become more apparent (thanks, gravity!)

Diminishes Wrinkles – Applying hyaluronic acid on your face plumps up the skin to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles. Picture the smoothness of a juicy grape compared to a raisin.

Firms and Tones – When your skin is supple and hydrated, it plumps up to appear firmer, less saggy, and more toned.

HA restores skin’s moisture to temporarily turn back the clock and give your skin some oomph and youthful rejuvenation!

Boosts Skin’s Health and Protection

Improves Protective Barrier – When your skin is dry, its surface is more vulnerable to damage and even infection getting through.

By providing your skin’s outer layers from the environment with rich moisture, HA actually strengthens your skin’s protective barrier to give you stronger, healthier skin. It’s like repairing your skin’s armor!

Supports Healing – Likewise, HA supports your skin’s healing and repairing ability by giving skin-soothing moisture and anti-inflammatory properties.

Antioxidant Defense – HA even gives your skin antioxidant defense to fight UV damage. This is important since free radicals can break down collagen and elastin to age our skin and make wrinkles and sagging more apparent.

How Do I Use Hyaluronic Acid in My Skincare?

Hyaluronic acid is included as an ingredient in everything from makeup to serums to moisturizers. There are so many great ways to use it!

Pro tip: To get the most bang for your buck, look for a formula that contains at least 1% hyaluronic acid. If it only includes something like 0.5%, you may not get the best efficacy.

Read on to make sure you’re layering your skincare items correctly to get the best hydrating and anti-ageing results!

Hyaluronic Acid Serum

f you want to get the most out of your HA usage, I would recommend a hyaluronic acid serum, especially if you have dry skin.

Serums typically have a thinner consistency and a more potent concentration of ingredients to deliver great results.

When using a serum, wait at least 15 minutes after applying for the serum to completely absorb into skin before moving to the next step in your routine.

Pro tip: Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid pair great together for an anti-ageing routine. It boosts collagen production, diminishes dark spots, AND fights signs of ageing! 

Hyaluronic Acid Moisturiser

Another great way to get the benefits of hyaluronic acid is to use a moisturizer that includes HA to pack a hydration punch.

You can even double up by using both a serum and lotion that feature HA!

Hyaluronic acid is super easy to add to your skincare routine! Check your products’ ingredient lists. You may be surprised to find you’re already using it somewhere in your skincare!

What is “sodium hyaluronate”? 

Although the terms “sodium hyaluronate” and “hyaluronic acid” are used interchangeably in the beauty industry, they’re a bit different.  Sodium hyaluronate is the salt of hyaluronic acid.

Sodium hyaluronate is a smaller molecule than HA, so it is more easily absorbed and penetrates more deeply into the layers of the skin – but it does the same job.

One ingredient isn’t necessarily better than the other; think of them as sisters.

In fact, you can even find HA skincare products that contain both forms for maximum benefits.

Taken from www.skincarebyalana.com

I have never really put much thought and effort into looking after my skin until having 2 kids and past my 30s. Recently, after joining the beauty & skincare group I have started to learn so much about the world of skincare. My adventure hence begins…