Tag Archives: Cetaphil

Cetaphil Baby Range

Made in Germany 🇩🇪

I have heard of this brand when my stepmother used to have skin problems and the doctor suggested to use this face wash. It has no fragrance and very suitable for troubled skin conditions.

A couple of years ago I saw the introduction of the baby range. I have bought the baby lotion but it was too watery so I ended up not really using it.

Recently my second baby have very dry skin on the scalp with some scab flakes. I suspected because of the baby shampoo that I’m currently use so I decided to change over to a new one. Since I have some trial size Cetaphil baby I decided to use it. It actually improved after the first wash and three days later the dry skin and scab on he scalp is almost completely gone.

It could be a coincidence or it actually works but if I have this problem again I will definitely use this brand.